Applespider u suck!
Apllespider you are 13 and don't know how to write a decent review.Stupid fool
This flash was very good and i love all the stuff that you put in.
And the name fit aswell! Keep em coming baby ;)
Applespider u suck!
Apllespider you are 13 and don't know how to write a decent review.Stupid fool
This flash was very good and i love all the stuff that you put in.
And the name fit aswell! Keep em coming baby ;)
You did it again
Man i don't know why people don't like the commentary .. but i like them .. it's your own little thing , and it's nice to hear what you have to say , about the episode and some other stuff. It's just cool :D
... this episode was nice and short .. it kicked ass!
-(TessemPresents === SimMa
(Duplicate review)
Kinda funny
Hehe this was pretty neat .. lookin forward to the second one. Good luck!
Cool , thanks!
Haha :9
Nicely done :) a nice short film
Thank you
Den var ok
Men har sett mkt bättre . Men det där duger iafall för att förstå :) Haha varför rallarsving vid slutet?
It was nice
1 tip . Next time ,try to raise the Frame Rate a littlebit but overall this movie was kinda fun :] Keep Practice'N
Thanks for the tip!
More to come.
Not bad , Not 2 good
Its was AIGHT . but really , Make it longer!
It was kinda boring but GL HF with the next episode . i Will try to keep an eye out
LOL stop using those shortenings! GL? HF? what the hell do they mean? Can someone explain it to me? Pleeeease?
Anyway, it was a bit short, but it ain't bad because it's short, if you ask me. I just think it needed one or two more skits to be complete. Every other cartoon i made was 2 to 3 minutes long and didn't receive a good score, so i got the impression that it bored the audiences shitless, but since you're asking for a lengthier submission... Well, i'll try, i guess.
Thanks for the feedback!
Okey ..
u sure do know how to draw . but u need to practice more on it . and add some color! . im not sure if this gonna get blammed or not but even if it gets blammed keep doing this . youre great!
thx! i dont have a wacom tablet but i think i could kick ass if i did!
as grym grafik . Fan skit bra :D man blir stolt också eftersom du e från sverige :D:D:D
snygga fbf rörelser
yaaay! Heja sverige! Tack för reviewen :)
Age 46, Male
Joined on 8/7/05